The Three Biggest Myths About Eco-Friendly Living
Green living has become a particularly hot topic over the past one decade. More and more people decide to adopt an eco-friendlier lifestyle in an attempt to protect and preserve the environment. However, many others choose to steer clear from green practices not because they do not care about nature but because they have a partial understanding of the green living concept. There are three big eco-friendly lifestyle myths that discourage people from making more environmentally-conscious choices in their daily lives. The greatest misconceptions about green living are that it is:
- Hard
- Demanding
- Expensive
In reality, the truth is much different.
Green living requires major life changes
You do not need to become a hippie or a tree hugger to lead an eco-friendlier way of life. You will not need to move into a cabin in the forest or learn how to grow your own fruit and vegetables. No one will push you to change your standard of living. Believe it or not, even small changes can make a big difference. For example, bringing your own bag to the grocery shop is a very good green practice. One disposal plastic grocery bag is used for an average of 12 minutes but it can take a thousand years to decompose.
You must drive a hybrid or electric car
Not all environmentalists drive an electric or a hybrid car. If you already own a car, buying a new eco-friendly vehicle would actually have a negative effect on nature. That is because the production of a brand-new car, green or not, is a process that releases about 8 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
Eco-friendly products are too costly
Buying only organic food or eco-friendly beauty products and clothing will indeed stretch your budget. But who said you need to do that. If you want to protect the environment you can simply try using energy-saving light bulbs or setting your air conditioning’s thermostat to less extreme temperatures.
As you can see, green living is much simpler and easier than your thought it was.