Daily Archives: 30th March 2016

Good Products in Bad Packaging: Part 3 – Plastic Bottle Processing

Carla Feltham 30/03/2016

Unfortunately the string of good products in bad packaging doesn’t end with yogurt or toothpaste as there many other everyday products whose packaging is a real problem. Plastic bottles are one of the biggest challenges for the recycling industry, but how so? The issue isn’t to do with the plastic the bottles are made of, as they have come a long way since the early days and are now manufactured using PET plastic which is… Good Products in Bad Packaging: Part 3 – Plastic Bottle Processing

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Good Products in Bad Packaging: Part 2 – Serving Product Packaging Problems

Carla Feltham 30/03/2016

Another poor choice of packaging is the one used by single serving products. Single serving products like yogurt for instance are usually packaged in plastic cup or bucket like containers which are a bit of a nightmare to recycle. Why so? The problem with single serving product packaging: When it comes to effective recycling, size and material of packaging is essential, and single serving products usually score poorly in both respects. In recycling it’s a… Good Products in Bad Packaging: Part 2 – Serving Product Packaging Problems

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Good Products in Bad Packaging: Part 1 – Chip Bag Inefficiency

Carla Feltham 30/03/2016

In most instances, packaging (whatever it may be) is an inseparable part of actual product marketing. In other words proper packaging helps sell a given product. Product sustainability is one of those terms that one could hear thrown around all over the place. Green products, ecofriendly packaging etc. are all valid concepts but are they actually put into practice? In the case of product packaging, business and environment don’t always go hand in hand. Sustainable… Good Products in Bad Packaging: Part 1 – Chip Bag Inefficiency

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